• Management Essentials: For Business & Project Management

    Management Essentials: For Business & Project Management

    With increased responsibility comes the need for new skills and an expanded perspective of your organization. This course will help managers build the basic management skills required to coach employees, deliver feedback and recognize the achievements of others. Learn effective management skills to improve workplace cohesiveness. - Understand the needs of your employees - Create great team environments and build employee satisfaction - Learn to conduct performance reviews and departure interviews - Make use of feedback and opinions to become even better! This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).

  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management

    Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management

    Employee retention is critically important with job fluidity becoming increasingly prevalent. This course will aid managers in performing the skills needed to retain employees in an organization. Don't let your best talents and top employees slip away. - Understanding your employees' satisfaction and their work situation to determine the factors to make them stay - Identify skills on how to create a work-life balance for employees and how to use their best skills in their job - Develop work autonomy in the team and create a enjoyable work situation to keep talents committed - Learn to understand your employees and how to gain their loyalty This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).

  • Bud to Boss Toolkit: Becoming a New Manager: For Business and Project Management

    Bud to Boss Toolkit: Becoming a New Manager: For Business and Project Management

    Designed for anyone who is new to supervising and managing others, the Bud to Boss Toolkit: Becoming a New Manager will provide the foundation needed to take on a new leadership position. New Managers will learn how to communicate with former peers who are now subordinates, as well as learn how to conduct difficult conversations, all in a way that is comfortable and productive for everyone. Be comfortable, productive and successful as a BOSS​! - Learn how to be an effective leader - Equip yourself with skills a leader should know - Know how to handle difficult situations in this course - Understand how your leadership can shape a team  This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).  This course is eligible for UTAP funding.

  • All Corporate Courses

    • Performance Management and Development - For Business and Project Management

      Performance Management and Development - For Business and Project Management

      SGD $149.95

      Course Description

      This set of e-learning courseware will solve some of the most common performance management, performance review and development headaches. Turn the one time per year discussions into on-going discussions. Create valuable annual reviews driving development resulting in more motivated employees. And be able to increase the productivity level of the employees as a team and in turn, produce successful performance review. Produce valuable annual reviews that drives development from motivated employees. - Evaluate your perspective for performance management discussion - Determine and help different employees with their performance - Creating an environment to conduct a successful performance development conversation - Know how to conduct performance development discussions


    • The Stay Interview - For Business and Project Management

      The Stay Interview - For Business and Project Management

      SGD $149.95

      Course Description

      This toolkit builds the skills leaders and managers need to successfully conduct Stay Interviews with their employees and build a successful Stay Plan. This course will equip leaders and managers with the essential skills and knowledge for the preparation, managing, developing and concluding of an interview and Stay Plan. The leaders and managers will also be groomed with pointers that they should avoid while conducting the interviews. The interview is key to making sure you get the right hire and talent for your team! - Know how to conduct a successful interview - Learn the essential to conduct a successful interview - Know how to manage different scenarios in an interview - Learn the do’s and don’ts when conducting an interview


    • Increasing Your Contribution at Work

      Increasing Your Contribution at Work

      SGD $59.95

      Course Description

      For employees who are struggling to meet commitments or who just want to increase the quality of work, this course is for you. Learn how to tap into your creativity to deliver a higher level of performance, while also taking action to create accountability for your results. When you take action to increase your contribution, you will not only be contributing to the organization at a higher level, you will also be more skilled and effective in your job too. * This module is approved for 8 hours of PDU credit


    • Developing for Success

      Developing for Success

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Building individual skills and capabilities is essential to success in one’s job. When we have the skills required for our job, we increase our level of quantity and quality of work. This course provides the coaching and direction individuals need to identify the skills that must be strengthened to perform their job at a high level, as well as identify the methods to strengthen the skills and improve performance. As a result the organization gets a more qualified employee who contributes at a higher level. * This module is approved for 8 hours of PDU credit


    • Communicating with Others: For Business & Project Management

      Communicating with Others: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Communication is the key in any work environment. This course will help individuals build the skills required to effectively communicate their thoughts, ideas and opinions with others. Learn how to communicate with others effectively to improve productivity. - Understand nonverbal communication and body language - Learn about the need for a company vision and how to promote - Manage and handle customer complaints - Learn how to engage others in an effective communication This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU) .


    • Conflict Management Skills: For Business & Project Management

      Conflict Management Skills: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Conflicts are unavoidable at times. This course will help managers build their own conflict management skills, as well as learn how to coach employees to manage conflict with others. Resolve conflict easily with the right skills. - Help employees manage & resolve conflict - Understand expectations and create a conflict management culture for coaching employees - Learn how to handle tricky situations - Have the knowledge of tackling such confrontations This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU) .


    • Learn to lead and manage with the totalView™ Toolkit

      Learn to lead and manage with the totalView™ Toolkit

      SGD $79.95

      Course Description

      Great interviewers are made not born, said in a different way. If you want recruiters and hiring managers in your organization to make great hiring decisions, they need the totalView™ online e-learning interviewer training! The totalView™ Toolkit teaches the OMNIview patented “Behavior Based Interviewing” approach, which is the most complete interviewing process in the world. Behavior Based Interviewing allows individuals to structure both behavioral interview questions AND the many other critical non-behavioral questions you need to have answered to truly assess a candidate’s “fit”. Interview training is key to making sure you get the right hire and talent for your team! - Know the different types of interview - Learn the proper process flow of conducting an interview - Know how to conduct a proper interview - Learn the etiquette of holding an interview This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).


    • Improve with the Writing to Get Things Done® Toolkit

      Improve with the Writing to Get Things Done® Toolkit

      SGD $89.95

      Course Description

      Individuals improve productivity by learning how to use writing as a powerful tool to get things done. Individuals will improve their on-the-job writing skills, including creating clear, easy-to-read emails, letters, memorandums, meeting minutes, procedures and technical reports. Writing is the strongest way to communicate, so get it right! - Learn the best ways writing styles for yourself - Know how to create reports that get results - Learn effective methods for each different form of communication - Know the do's and don’ts when composing This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).


    • Increasing Employee Engagement: For Business & Project Management

      Increasing Employee Engagement: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. This course aids managers in building the skills required to engage employees to perform at their best. Employees take your leads, so be prepared to engage them. - Learn to support your employees and connecting work to the organization - Understand your employee's skills and use their best skills and abilities - Create team satisfaction as you inform and inspire your team - Understand the need for work-life balance This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU) .


    • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management

      Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $69.95

      Course Description

      This advanced course aids project managers to continue building the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects. Continue your Project Management journey with this course for managers. - Be able to monitor a project's status as a manager. - Set objective evaluations for proposals - Understand the need to advocate for interests and the need to be open to different solutions - Know how to manage your projects on top of personal job scopes


    • Discussing Total Compensation: For Business & Project Management

      Discussing Total Compensation: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Compensation is an eventual part of the exit process for employees. This course will help managers learn how to discuss compensation issues, rewards, as well as company benefits with individual employees. Maintain the image of your organization by having ample understanding of compensation. - Understanding how to tag compensation to performance and rewards - Learn the 'Compensation Rule of Thumb' and when rewards should be tweaked for those who have "gone above and beyond" - Understand the step process of handing out compensation - Learn how to approach this delicate matter with the right mentality This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU)


    • Beginning Project Management for Managers: For Business and Project Management

      Beginning Project Management for Managers: For Business and Project Management

      SGD $59.95

      Course Description

      Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables) undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. This course aids project managers to focus on the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects. Start of your Project Management journey with this course for managers. - Be able to assess a project's status as a manager. - Set team expectations for reporting and sharing project and task status - Determine how quick and informative project information will be delivered from the team - Discuss with the team why problems and difficult information must be shared right away


    • Supervision Basics: For Business & Project Management

      Supervision Basics: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $59.95

      Course Description

      Supervisory roles are often under looked and neglected in terms of training and specific, even if it may be critical to employee satisfaction. Managers will learn the supervision skills needed when they are responsible for guiding the performance of others. Understand how supervision will help to improve workplace productivity. - Understand how to provide the right help and assistance to employees facing challenges - Identify how employees' family, hobbies, personal challenges and interests may clash with team and company policies and how to resolve them - Learn the importance of a work/life balance - Know how you can reach out to employees This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).


    • Recognizing Employees: For Business & Project Management

      Recognizing Employees: For Business & Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Recognition is an important value appreciated by employees. Managers must build their capabilities to recognize their employees for their work and accomplishments in order to maximize retention rates Don't let your employees or top talents slip through your organization. - Learn on how to provide recognition every day for employees' accomplishments and contributions - Develop and identify those who can aid in providing praise and recognition - Understand how to identify and reward those who contribute the team or company goals - Know how to distinguish employees that deserve recognition This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU) .


    • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management

      Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management

      SGD $52.95

      Course Description

      Employee retention is critically important with job fluidity becoming increasingly prevalent. This course will aid managers in performing the skills needed to retain employees in an organization. Don't let your best talents and top employees slip away. - Understanding your employees' satisfaction and their work situation to determine the factors to make them stay - Identify skills on how to create a work-life balance for employees and how to use their best skills in their job - Develop work autonomy in the team and create a enjoyable work situation to keep talents committed - Learn to understand your employees and how to gain their loyalty This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).


    • Remote Leadership Toolkit: Maintaining Success: For Business and Project Management

      Remote Leadership Toolkit: Maintaining Success: For Business and Project Management

      SGD $199.00

      Course Description

      The Remote Leadership Toolkit: Advanced Skills provides remote leaders additional tools and information to continue build their skills to lead and manage a remote team. Understanding the basic skills will help you to go further in managing from a virtual distance. Perfect the skills to lead remotely and maintain that success effectively. - Tackle the challenges and successfully present remotely with proven practices for great web-based presentations - Overcome challenges of accountability even remotely by goal setting and supporting those goals - Learn how the coaching model will help your interactions and learn to provide remote feedback - Learn how you to maintain your productivity and success in the long run This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).