Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management

  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Advanced Project Management for Managers: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

This advanced course aids project managers to continue building the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects.

Continue your Project Management journey with this course for managers.

- Be able to monitor a project's status as a manager.
- Set objective evaluations for proposals
- Understand the need to advocate for interests and the need to be open to different solutions
- Know how to manage your projects on top of personal job scopes

Course Objectives

1. Learn how to monitor project status as a manager
2. Understand how to objectively evaluate proposals and advocate for interests
3. Understanding the need for different solutions and the requirement to focus on issues vs individual
4. How to negotiate with difficult people 
5. Manage the likelihood of project risk and its impact and proceeding accordingly
6. Minimize the consequences of adverse situations on the project

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Monitor Project Status

A course to monitor and measure performance

Objectively Evaluate Proposal

A course to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement

Advocate for Interests

Know how make the best for the interest of the project

Be Open to Different Solutions

A course to know how to compromise in a team

Focus on the Issues vs Individuals

A course to learn how to divert the attention correctly

Negotiating with Difficult People

A course to learn how to deal a situations with a difficult individual

The Likelihood of Project Risk

A course to identify and minimize potential risks for any project

Responding to Project Risk

Know what actions to take after identifying a potential risk

Minimize the Consequences

Learn steps to curb consequences from affecting the project
UTAP Funding Eligible
SGD $69.95
(Price excludes GST)
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