• 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON AND PANDAS, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Python programmers are some of the most sought-after employees in the tech world, and Python itself is fast becoming one of the most popular programming languages. One of the best applications of Python however is data analysis; which also happens to be something that employers can't get enough of. Gaining skills in one or the other is a guaranteed way to boost your employability – but put the two together and you'll be unstoppable!

With this course, you will enable yourself to learn perform data analysis with python using the pandas library understand some of the basic concepts of data analysis, have used n-dimensional arrays in NumPy as well as the pandas Series and Data Frames to analyze data.

Become an expert data analyst with Python made simple

- Learn efficient python data analysis
- Manipulate data sets quickly and easily
- Master python data mining
- Gain a skillset in Python that can be used for various other applications


Course Objectives

1. Data Analysis with Python and Pandas
2. Learn efficient python data analysis
3. Manipulate data sets quickly and easily
4. Master python data mining
5. Gain a skillset in Python that can be used for various other applications

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Introduction to the Course

Download source code

Course Introduction 

Getting pandas and fundamentals

Section Outro

Introduction to Pandas

Preview Available


Section intro

Slices, head and tail


Visualizing The Data

Converting To Python List Or Pandas Series

Section Outro

Creating and Navigating a Dataframe

IO Tools


Section intro

Read Csv And To Csv

io operations

Read_hdf and to_hdf

Read Json And To Json

Read Pickle And To Pickle

Section Outro

Pandas Operations


Section intro

Column Manipulation (Operatings on columns, creating new ones)

Column and Dataframe logical categorization

Statistical Functions Against Data

Moving and rolling statistics

Rolling apply

Section Outro

Handling for Missing Data / Outliers


Section Intro

drop na

Filling Forward And Backward Na

detecting outliers

Section Outro

Combining Dataframes


Section Intro


Appending data frames

Merging dataframes

Joining dataframes

Section Outro

Advanced Operations

Preview Available


Section Intro

Basic Sorting

Sorting by multiple rules

Resampling basics time and how (mean, sum etc)

Resampling to ohlc

Correlation and Covariance Part 1

Correlation and Covariance Part 2

Mapping custom functions

Graphing percent change of income groups

Buffering basics

Buffering into and out of hdf5

Section Outro

Working with Databases


Section Intro

Writing to reading from database into a data frame

Resampling data and preparing graph

Finishing Manipulation And Graph

Section and course outro

SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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