Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP

  • Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer: Fundamentals of PHP, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Do you want to be a web developer? Do you need to brush up on your PHP skills? Then you're in the right place! PHP is an open source (free) scripting language that allows you to create dynamic websites and work with servers. PHP is now used on over 20 million websites and over 1 million servers worldwide. You will learn everything about the basics of PHP programming using real world examples. Source codes are included for each lesson so you can learn by deconstructing each element.

Enable yourself to develop the website of time.

- Learn the fundamentals of PHP Programming
- Understand the purpose of PHP Programming in applications
- Be able to apply PHP Programming into real-time projects
- Know how PHP works in terms of page development

Course Objectives

1. To demonstrate a basic understanding of PHP
2. To understand why, where and when PHP programming is used
3. Understand how PHP and OOP are used to create programs 
4. Explore and master the various functions in PHP programming

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Introduction to the Course

Preview Available


Introduction To The Course

What Is PHP?

What Is PHP Used For?

Download Fundamentals of PHP Code

Getting Started with PHP Programming

Preview Available


Commenting Code



If Statements

Arithmetic Operators

Comparison Operators

Triple Equals

Logical Operators

Switch Statement

Basic Arrays

Multi-dimensional Arrays

While Loop

Do While Loop





Embedding PHP within HTML

A better way to display HTML

Arrays Part 1

Arrays Pat 2

Cookies Part 1

Cookies Part 2


Radio Buttons

Exploring PHP Functions


PHP Functions You Should Know Part 2

PHP Functions You Should Know Part 3

String Functions Part 1

String Functions Part 2

Date and Time Part 1

Date and Time Part 2

PHP Functions You Should Know Part 1

Creating Dynamic Web Pages with PHP


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

PHP Object Oriented Programming


Classes, Methods and Properties


Constructor Method

Protecting Methods/Properties

Extending a Class (Inheritance)

Scope Resolution Operators

Class Constants

Static Properties and Methods

PHP Object Oriented Programming Projects


Calculator Application Example

MySQL Database Example Part 1

MySQL Database Example Part 2

MySQL Database Example Part 3

Common PHP Errors You Will Encounter


Introduction to PHP Error Reporting

Changing Maximum File Upload Size

Access Denied

Undefined Index

Cannot Modify Header Information

Supplied Argument Not a Valid MySQL Result

Unexpected $end

PHP Security


File Includes

File Uploading

Null Byte

Passing Variables

Session Hijacking

SQL Injection

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

Intermediate and Advanced PHP Programming



Using Single or Double Quotes

Indenting Code

Anonymous Functions


Ternary Operator

Browser Identification

Self Submitting Forms

Include and Require

Quickly Return True/False

Tree Structures

Explode: String to Array

Implode: Array to String

Array Dereferencing

Creating Images with PHP

SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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