Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4

  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course
  • Adobe Dreamweaver Essentials - CS3 & CS4, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Adobe Dreamweaver is an application used by web designers and developers to create websites and applications for use across multiple targets. Including browsers, devices and tablets. Web designers use Dreamweaver for creating website prototypes using web-friendly artwork. Expert video trainer, artist, and designer Geoff Blake introduces you to the world of Dreamweaver and web design in this monster 10-plus hour course, packed with tricks, techniques, and hands-on tasks—made specially to be an easy, non-jargon approach for Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4 users. Master key concepts and explore the array of possibilities, particularly in the world of Cascading Style Sheets with Geoff Blake as your guide. You’ll not only learn the secrets and master the techniques, but you’re sure to have a whole lot of fun along the way!

Explore web designing by mastering Dreamweaver and be an expert today!

- Learn the fundamentals that makes up web designing
- Understand about the various tools in Dreamweaver
- Know how to apply the different techniques in Dreamweaver

Course Objectives

1. Understand the essentials of Dreamweaver CS3 and CS4
2. Understand the web design fundamentals
3. Be able to navigate the Dreamweaver interface 
4. Understand and able to apply CSS and HTML into web design
5. Know how to work with tables and images 
6. Understand traditional layout of page with tables 
7. Know how to create hyperlinks for web pages 

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Dreamweaver CS3/CS4 Essentials: Introduction

Download Project Files

Hello and Welcome Preview

Web Design Fundamentals


HTML Fundamentals

CSS Fundamentals

Three Challenges In Web Design, Pt 1Peview

Three Challenges In Web Design, Pt 2

Dreamweaver's Role In Web Design

Working in the Dreamweaver Interface


Getting Started in Dreamweaver

The Dreamweaver CS3 Interface

The Dreamweaver CS4 Interface

Customizing Dreamweaver's Interface

Using Dreamweaver's History Panel

Working with the Snippets Panel

Exploring Other Panels

Fast Selecting with the Tag Selector

Saving Dreamweaver Workspaces

Viewing Code in Dreamweaver

Understanding Code Visually

Managing Websites in Dreamweaver


Defining A New Site

Managing Multiple Sites

Arranging File Structure

Setting Up Index Files

Uploading Files

Using the Assets Panel

Task #1: Define Your Own Site in Dreamweaver

Adding Text and Page Structure


Working With Text, Spell Checker, Find And Replace, And Page Titles

Inserting Structural Headings

Creating Numbered and Bulleted Lists and Sublists

Inserting Special Characters

Horizontal Rules & Property Inspector Limitations

Previewing in Web Browsers, Adding Browsers, Online Browser Resources

Sample File Layout Tour & Free Resources

Getting Started with CSS


Creating & Applying a Basic Style in Dreamweaver CS3

Creating & Applying a Basic Style in Dreamweaver CS4

Two Methods For Applying Styles & Understanding the Background Code

Editing Styles Using the CSS Styles Panel

Introducing the CSS Rule Definition Dialog Box

Going Further with CSS


The Three Fundamental CSS Rule Types

About The Two Types Of Style SheetsPeview

Creating CSS Class Rules

Adding A Border And Padding To A Class

The Cranial Stuff: The CSS Box Model And How Widths Are Measured In CSS

Using The Box Model To Create A Class Sidebar

Controlling HTML With CSS…With Redefined HTML Tags

Work Even Faster By Duplicating Styles

Redefining The Page Text

Redefining Bulleted Or Numbered Lists

Creating Styles In Dreamweaver CS4

Task #2: Think You’re So Big? Try Creating This CSS Rule!

Technique #1: Simple Typography Control With CSS!

Technique #2: Alright, Now For Advanced CSS Typography!

Managing Internal and External Style Sheets


Moving Internal Styles to an External Style Sheet

Disconnecting and Reconnecting an External Style Sheet

Editing Rules within an External Style Sheet

Editing Style Sheets Without Dreamweaver

Moving Styles Between Style Sheets

Working Faster with External Style Sheets

External Style Sheets with Dreamweaver CS4

Working With Tables


Table Basics in Dreamweaver

Inserting Content and Table Oddities

Selecting Table Components

Traditional Table Formatting

Using CSS to Control Table Formatting

Inserting Images


Using Smart Objects with Dreamweaver CS4

Technique #3: Using Images for Typography

Technique #4: From Illustrator to Photoshop to DreamweaverPeview

Technique #5: Soft-Edged Transparency with PNGs

Understanding Graphics in Web Design

Inserting & Formatting Images

Controlling Images with CSS

Dreamweaver's Image Editing Commands

Editing Images Outside of Dreamweaver

Setting Background Images

Creating Hyperlinks


Creating Links From Text & Images

Linking to Other Websites

Linking to an Email Address

Linking to PDFs & Other Files

Linking to A Specific Location on a Page

Creating Image Maps

Hyperlink Formatting with CSS

Technique #6: Creating Rollover Buttons with CSS

Technique #7: Site Rollout: From a Single-Page to a Multi-Page Website

Task#3 Design Your Page Layout

Traditional Page Layout with Tables


Setting Up a Basic Layout Structure

Refining the Layout with Nested Tables

Inserting the Layout's Images & Text

Further Layout Refinement

Modern Page Layout with Divs


Getting Started with Divs

Creating the Basic Layout Blocks

Nesting Divs Within Other Divs

Refining the Layout with Additional Div's

Task #4: Create the Remaining Div's

Task #4 Bailout

Inserting the Layout's Images & Text

Applying a Frame to the Layout

Further Layout Adjustments

Technique #8: Centering A Div-Based Layout

Diggin’ Into Interactivity And Multimedia!


Creating Rollover Buttons And Effects

Introducing Spry Widgets

Inserting Flash Content

Adding In Audio And Video

Throwin’ In Flash Video

Wrappin’ Up Dreamweaver CS3/CS4 Essentials


Final Site Management Techniques

Goodbye, And Where To Go From Here

Bonus Lessons!


Creatin’ Pop-Up Windows With Div’s

Speeding Things Up With Dreamweaver’s Find And Replace

Creating Some Sweet Div Scrollboxes

SGD $81.90
(Price excludes GST)
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