A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application

  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course
  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course
  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course
  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course
  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course
  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Instructional design, or instructional systems design (ISD), is the practice of creating "instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing." The process consists broadly of determining the state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. Ideally, the process is informed by pedagogically (process of teaching) and andragogically (adult learning) tested theories of learning and may take place in student-only, teacher-led or community-based settings. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed. There are many instructional design models but many are based on the ADDIE model with the five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. As a field, instructional design is historically and traditionally rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology, though recently constructivism has influenced thinking in the field.

Know the fundamentals of Instructional Design and produce quality educational content.

- Know Key Instructional Design Models
- Understand what are Adult Learning Principles
- Understand the Overview of Learning Theories
- The importance of Training Needs Analysis
- Introduction to ID Fundamentals
- What are the Cognitive Approaches
- Determining the Right Audio Strategy
- Writing Effective Storyboards and Objectives
- Content Types and Their Visualization Approaches
- Creating Effective Assessments
- Guide to Editing
- mLearning Essentials and Strategies

Course Objectives

1. Understand how the key principles instructional design models is made up 
2. How can Adult Learning Principles make your content appeal to the older audience
3. Understand how learning theories can improve how you structure your content 
4. How you can further improve your content by understand your analysis 
5. Recognize the IDs fundamentals in order to strengthen your design 
6. Discover ways to enhance your design that caters to your targeted readers
7. How to find the right tune for your source and your target audience
8. Identify the foundation and key points to designing your content
9. Understand and learn how to create effective reading materials
10. How assessment can enable more productivity
11. Learn how to write and edit seamlessly

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Instructional Design Theories - Key Instructional Design Models

Understand how the key principles instructional design models is made up 
  • Relevance of ID Model
  • Key ID Models
  • Comparison and Contrast of Design Models

Instructional Design Theories - Adult Learning principles

How can Adult Learning Principles make your content appeal to the older audience
  • Introduction to Adult Learning Theory
  • Adult Learning Principles
  • Instructional Strategies for Adult Learning

Instructional Design Theories - Overview of Learning Theories

Understand how learning theories can improve how you structure your content 
  • Traditional Learning Theories
  • New Age Learning Theories
  • Applying Learning Theories

Instructional Design Theories - Training Needs Analysis

How you can further improve your content by understand your analysis 
  • Introduction to Training Needs Analysis
  • The TNA Process
  • Root Cause Analysis and Needs Analysis
  • Evaluation of Training Effectiveness

Instructional Design Theories - Introduction to ID Fundamentals

Recognize the IDs fundamentals in order to strengthen your design 
  • BT
  • RBT
  • Application od ADDIE 
  • RBT

Instructional Design Theories - Cognitive Approaches

Discover ways to enahnce your design that caters to your targeted readers
  • Cognitive Principles and Online Learning
  • Cognitive Principles Applied in Online Learning

Instructional Design Application - Determining the Right Audio Strategy

How to find the right tune for your sourse and your target audience
  • Significance of Audio in eLearning
  • Audio Strategies
  • Selecting an Ideal Audio Strategy
  • Check Your Understanding

Instructional Design Application - Writing Effective Storyboards

Idenitfy the foundation and key points to designing your content
  • Introduction to Storyboards
  • Best Practices for Storyboard Creation

Instructional Design Application - Writing Effective Objectives

Understand and learn how to create effective reading materials
  • An Introduction to Objectives
  • Key Components of Effective Objectives
  • Using Bloom’s Verbs to Set Objectives
  • SMART Objectives
  • Guidelines and Tips

Instructional Design Application - Content Types and Their Visualisation Approaches

How assessment can enable more productivity
  • Five Content Types
  • Fact-Based Content
  • Concept-Based Content
  • Procedure-Based Content
  • Process-Based Content
  • Principle-Based Content

Instructional Design Application - Creating Effective Assessments

Know how to Create Effective Assessment
  • Introduction to Assessments
  • Creating an Effective Assessment Strategy
  • Assessment Map
  • Guidelines for Creating Effective Assessment Questions

Instructional Design Application- Guide to Editing (Part 1)

Learn how to write and edit seamlessly
  • Introduction to Editing
  • Writing Style Guidelines

Instructional Design Application - Guide to Editing (Part 2)

Learn how to write and edit seamlessly
  • Punctuations
  • Articles
  • UK versus US English
  • The common confusions/FAQs on grammar editorial style

Instructional Design Application - mLearning: Essentials

Know the Essentials of mLearning
  • Introduction to mLearning
  • Need for mLearning
  • mLearning and Instructional Design
  • Instructional Design Strategies for mLearning

Instructional Design Application - mLearning: Strategies

Know the Strategies of mLearning
  • Designing for mLearning
  • Instructional Approaches for mLearning
  • Creating mLearning
SGD $500.00
(Price excludes GST)
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