Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery

  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Web Developer Bundle: JavaScript,Angular and Jquery, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Learn to use the most popular programming languages, JavaScript, grasp the basic concepts of AngularJS and its main features and learn to make website creation, responsive and accessible apps easily with jQuery with this extensive course. Put your lessons in practical uses with functional examples. Most courses on web development walk you through the skills beginners need, but then require you to learn the skills that make you an employable web developer. This course is different. After you have learned the basics and built real projects for your portfolio, you can move on to hours and hours of continued training at the intermediate and advanced levels for each web development skill you've learned.

Challenge yourself and become a Professional Web Developer.

- Pick up a new programming language and be fluent in coding
- Learn how each language uses its code to program applications
- Know how to apply each language into your own projects
- Find out how each language compliments each other when developing a website

Course Objectives

1. Know how to use Html tags and build with the most common ones.
2. Create CSS stylesheets that control your site design and set them up on your project site.
3. To learn the basic techniques of CSS and CSS3
4. Start programming with JavaScript
5. Create real life projects with JavaScript
6. Create Web Applications
7. Create Hybrid Apps for Android & iOS that use SDKs that implement Angular.js
8. Design a jQuery web application
9. Create interactive web applications across different platforms
10. To understand why, where and when PHP programming is used

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Fundamentals of Javascript - Introduction to JavaScript

Preview Available


Introduction to JavaScript 

Script Tags 



Undefined, typeof, NaN 

Logical Operators 

Mathematical Operators 


Download Fundamentals of Javascript code
Download Source Code

Comparison Operators 



Intermediate JavaScript



Array Prototype 

Looping Over Arrays 

Introduction to Objects 

Creating an Object 

Dates and Times 


Countdown: Example Application 


Callback in Countdown 

Working with JavaScript Elements


DOM Elements 

Query Selector 

Event Handlers 

Input Fields 

Creating Elements 

Styling Elements 

Bonus JavaScript Tips




Angular JS - Course Introduction


Course Overview

Final Project Demo

Download Source_Code_AngularJS

Introduction to Angular

Preview Available


Intro To Section 2

Overview of Angular

Environment Setup

MVC Architecture


Angular Core Features Overview


Intro to Section 3

Modules And Dependency Injection



Two Way Data Binding



Routing - Setup

Routing - Implementation




Intro To Grocery List App


Intro to Section 4

Grocery List Bootstrap Layout

Listing Grocery List Using ng-repeat

Beautifying Our List With Filters


Easy Navigation In Grocery List Using Routing


Intro to Section 5

Setting Up Grocery List Routing

Routing Parameters


Implementing Grocery List Routing

Adding, Updating & Deleting Grocery Items


Intro to Section 6

Abstracting Grocery Items Using Services

Adding Grocery Items

Debugging App Using Chrome Console

Generating Unique Grocery Entry ID’s

Updating Grocery Items - Part 1

Updating Grocery Items - Part 2

Form Validation

Deleting Grocery Items

Marking Grocery Items As Completed With ng-class


Adding Custom Directives - Making Our HTML More Readable

Connecting Our App To The Cloud


Intro to Section 7

Loading Entries

Creating Entries

Updating Entries

Deleting Grocery Items




Course Recap

Additional Resources

Closing Message

Jquery - Introduction to the Course


Course introduction

Download Jquery Code

Introduction to jQuery for Beginners


Section Introduction

jQuery Core Concepts

Getting Started

Adding the jQuery Library to your web page Part1

Adding the jQuery Library to your web page Part2

jQuery Syntax Introduction

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Event Methods

Section Conclusion

Introduction to the jQuery Functions


Section Introduction

Creating a jQuery template Part 1

Creating a jQuery template Part 2

Creating a jQuery template Part 3

Get Content and Attributes

jQuery Callback Functions

Section Conclusion

USB Debugging Mode & Hardware API'S


Section Introduction

JQuery Effects Part1

JQuery Effects Part2

JQuery Effects Part3

JQuery Effects Part4

jQuery CSS Functions Part1

jQuery CSS Functions Part2

jQuery AJAX Functions Part1

jQuery AJAX Functions Part2

jQuery AJAX Functions Part3

Section Conclusion

Course Conclusion


Course Conclusion

SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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