1st Step to Introduction of Web Design

  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course
  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

The Internet is everyone's go-to source of information in today's world. Businesses, public figures, publications and everything in between all have a presence on the web; and the more professional their website looks, the more successful they tend to be. Web designers are more in demand than ever before, and the profession is constantly changing along with the web itself. This course aims to teach the most up to date fundamentals of web design from scratch.

Learn Web Design from Scratch

- Understand the basics of CSS and HTML
- Learn about current web designing trends and developments
- Gain an insight into web development, debugging, etc. as well as design
- Build your own portfolio website

Course Objectives

1. Understand the basics of web design
2. Understand grid systems in web design
3. Be able to design a real website using the techniques learnt 
4. Understand responsive design

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Introduction to the Course


Introduction to the Course 

Download Source Code

Basics of Web Design

Preview Available


What is CSS and HTML?

Your First HTML File

Introduction to Document Layout

Linking In A Stylesheet

Styling Your First Element

Web Design Fundamentals


The Box Model

Understanding Display Types

Project: Create a CSS Button

Using CSS Selectors

Styling Links

Using Floats

Using Clearfix

Validating HTML and CSS

Working With Images

Introduction to Developer Tools



Webfonts, Google Fonts and API

Understanding Webfonts

Cascading Style Sheets


Understanding Cascading Style Sheets

Vendor Prefixes

Project: Create a Color Changing Profile Image

Introduction to Grid Structures


Basic Website Layout

Choosing a Grid Framework

Grids and Responsive Design

Forms and Icons


Working with Forms

Using Font Icons

Understanding Sprite Sheets

Project: Create a Comment List


Project: Create a Comment List

Positioning and Resources



CSS Resources

Final Project: Design a Real Website


Project Introduction

Adding Our Graphics

Building Our Site

Validating Our Site

  • Duration 7 hr 22 mins
  • Skill level All Levels
  • Languages English
  • Tag(s) Design Web Design

SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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