Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management

  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Meeting Management: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Meetings are part and parcel of every manager's office schedule. This course will help managers learn how to lead and facilitate effective meetings.

Make meetings more productive and time efficient.

- Design and conduct effective meetings
- Be a member of importance in meetings
- Define the roles in meetings and create behaviour expectations to stay focused
- Know how to be productive in meetings

This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).

Course Objectives

1. Prepare thoroughly for any meeting
2. Conduct effective and efficient meetings
3. Become a significant and contributing meeting member
4. Learn how to stay focused in meetings
5. Build relationships with colleagues to learn about their role, skills, and expertise
6. Evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions
7. Create meeting behavior expectations with your team

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Prepare for Any Meeting

Prepare thoroughly for any meeting

Conduct Effective Meetings

Conduct effective and efficient meetings

Be a Significant Meeting Member

Become a significant and contributing meeting member

Stay Focused in Meetings

Learn how to stay focused in meetings

Building Relationships with Colleagues

Build relationships with colleagues to learn about their role, skills, and expertise

Listening to Others' Ideas and Opinions

Evaluate how well you listen to others' ideas and opinions

Meeting Behavior Expectations

Create meeting behavior expectations with your team
  • Duration 7 hr 0 mins
  • Skill level All Levels
  • Languages English
  • Accreditation PMI:7 PDU Hours
  • Tag(s) Communication Business

SGD $52.95
(Price excludes GST)
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