Giving Clear Work Priorities

Giving Clear Work Priorities, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days

Course Objectives

There are a lot of things a person can do to be successful in one’s job, but knowing what work must be achieved is one of the more important items. Knowing what work must be delivered and when helps anyone stay focused and achieve success within their role. Without this information, we tend to be unfocused, and may or may not deliver what we should. Add to the fact that work priorities often change as team priorities change and our work priorities may not be clear. This course will help you provide clarity to your employees regarding what must be achieved in the next 30 days. This short time frame helps each person clearly know what to focus on and how to prioritize his or her time. Having this level of focus is great. It helps each person perform the right work at the right time, thus creating the opportunity for individual and team success.By completing this course, you will be able to help your employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

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Giving clear work priorities

Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days
Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days - Updated
  • Duration 24 hr 0 mins
  • Skill level All Levels
  • Languages en_US

(Price excludes GST)
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