Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript)

  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course
  • Become a Professional Programmer (Java & Javascript), Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Java is the most commonly used programming language in the world. Get started learning Java today, and in a few days with this Java Tutorial for Beginners you'll be a pro. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world because it's easy to learn, and it can do amazing things. JavaScript is easy to learn, and it can do amazing things. If you're interested in web development, it's also a language that you simply must learn to be effective.

A course for new learners and those who need a bit of refreshing

- Use Java to play online games, chat with people around the world, etc.
- Learn about JavaScript which is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
- This course is aimed at complete beginners, but is great for those who need a brush up on their JavaScript skills.
- You will learn the very basics of JavaScript programming, then move on to more complex programming skills.

This course is eligible for UTAP funding.

Course Objectives

1. Understanding Java programming
2. Learning to use Boolean logic & IF ELSE statements
3. Learn object oriented programming with Java
4. Explore loops, arrays, constructors and string functions in Java
5. Learning about JavaScript and its uses
6. Script tags, variables and comparison, logical & mathematical operations
7. Understanding arrays, objects and callbacks
8. Working with JavaScript elements, DOM elements, query selectors, etc

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Introduction to Java Programming

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Getting Started with NetBeans 



For Loop


Strings & Mathematical Operators 

Methods (Functions) 

Boolean Logic & IF ELSE Statements (Part 1/2) 

Boolean Logic & IF ELSE Statements (Part 2/2) 

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)


Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Constructors (OOP)

Java Review


Review of Concepts So Far

More Beginner Java


User Input

File Reading/Writing


Multi-dimensional Arrays

Array Lists

String Functions

Try Catch & Exceptions

Fundamentals of Javascript - Introduction to JavaScript


Introduction to JavaScript 

Script Tags 



Undefined, typeof, NaN 


Comparison Operators 

Logical Operators 



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Mathematical Operators 

Intermediate JavaScript



Array Prototype 

Looping Over Arrays 

Introduction to Objects 

Creating an Object 

Dates and Times 


Countdown: Example Application 


Callback in Countdown 

Working with JavaScript Elements


DOM Elements 

Query Selector 

Event Handlers 

Input Fields 

Creating Elements 

Styling Elements 

Bonus JavaScript Tips




UTAP Funding Eligible
SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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