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This course is designed for instructional designers and content developers to be equipped with the knowledge and skills in creating effective eLearning content with Articulate 360.
Articulate 360 is a suite of tools that support content authoring, development, online review as well as online course creation.
For beginners who are new to using Articulate 360, this course from ACP aims to guide users with a structured approach to creating a simple eLearning course (themed as ‘New Employee Orientation’) in Articulate Storyline 360. The course that learners will be building is a customisable template that could be further improved to suit the learner’s needs and development.
There are many approaches to developing a courseware using Articulate 360, but the emphasis of this course is ‘Delivering effective eLearning with ‘Minimum Effort’ and yet producing ‘Maximum Impact’.
Throughout this course, learners apply simple techniques that shorten time to build course content and integrate built-in resources such as Articulate’s Content Library 360, which hosts over 6 million photos, videos, and other course assets. Adding learner’s participation at the start of the course, structuring content with built-in interactions from Articulate Engage 360 and even importing content e.g. PowerPoint slides into Articulate Storyline for customisation are effective strategies that experienced users can benefit in developing courses that minimise effort and deliver impact to users.
At the end of this course, learners should be able to:
1) Understand the Guiding Principles of Instructional Design
2) Demonstrate the basic functions of Articulate 360, mainly Articulate Storyline 360, Articulate Engage 360 and Articulate Review 360
3) Leverage Articulate 360 with Minimum Effort and Maximum Impact
4) Create a Customizable Courseware using Articulate 360
Creating Effective eLearning Content with Articulate