Enterprise Blockchain Bootcamp

Enterprise Blockchain Bootcamp, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

So if your a customer facing technical sales expert focused on driving revenue then this course will help enable you get started talking blockchain. The course would also be helpful to sales executives, Technical Account Managers and IT Managers
As a past solutions engineer, pre sales engineer and professional services engineer for companies such as HP 3PAR, HDS Federal (Vion), Brocade Communications and Dimension Data one thing I know well is how to sell solutions. Blockchain is going to part of the enterprise so knowing it could be critical if your part of a high volume VAR, Integrator or Vendor.

Course Objectives

• What is Blockchain?
• Understanding Blockchain
• How does Blockchain helps you to drive revenue?

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Enterprise Blockchain Bootcamp


01_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Welcome Aboard

02_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Audience

03_Blockchain all or Nothing for Front Line Engineers.

04_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales RFPs rev1

05_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales RFP Fintech rev1

06_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales POCs rev1

07_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales ROI TCO BASICS rev1

08_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Value Creation rev1

09_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Cost Modeling rev1

10_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Cost Considerations rev1

11_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Enterprise and the Blockchains

12_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Differences rev1

13_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Blockchain Basics rev1

14_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Blockchain Components rev1

15_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Enterprise Blockchains rev1

16_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Consensus rev1

17_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Ledger 101 Rev1

18_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Public vs private blockchains rev1

19_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales trust rev1

20_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales trustless rev1

21_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales transparancy rev1

22_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Development rev1

23_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales dApps rev1

24_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Common Blockchain Terms rev1

25_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Architecure Scalability

26_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Architecure TPS rev1

27_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Section 1 Review Questions rev1

28_Comparison of Blockchains

29_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Hyperledger Overview rev1

30_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Ethereum Basics

31_Enterprise Bootcamp for Solutions Engineers Quorum

32_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales R3 Corda

33_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Ripple rev1

34_ Enterprise Bootcamp for Solutions Engineers Blockstream

35_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Hashing Demo Anders

36_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Blockchain Demoio

37_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales R3 Demobench rev1

38_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales IBM Cloud BaaS Part 2

39_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales IBM Cloud BaaS Part 1

40_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Metamask demo

41_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Etherscan

42_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Ethernodes

43_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales B2B Financial Use case Ripple rev1

44_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Case Study Dubai

45_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales Blockchain Roles rev1

46_Blockchain Bootcamp for Pre sales CBSA

47_Course Closeout

Enteprrise Blockchain for Presales Course Downloads


Simulated Practice Environment
SGD $20.00
(Price excludes GST)
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