Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management

  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Managing for Success: For Business & Project Management, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Building off of Management Essentials, this course aids managers to continue developing their ability to manage, inspire and lead employees towards success.

Manage for success and understand the needs of your team, colleagues and subordinates alike.

- Motivate your team the right way and understand their needs.
- Build lasting relationships that will help you find effective workplace solutions.
- Develop work-life balance that will reinforce your team's integrity.
- Solicit ideas in a speak-freely environment to develop teams that can understand their customers' need.

This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).

Course Objectives

1. Facilitate a team discussion regarding what employees love about the company
2. The team determines what they can do together to create balance for everyone on the team
3. Identify a number of potential solutions for the same problem
4. Determine what is required to ensure issues are solved in the right way at the right time
5. Teams discuss what integrity looks like and identifies expectations for the team
6. Share with your team how people react to you when you speak freely with others
7. Create an agenda item to discuss how the ideas and opinions of others are being solicited and used

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What the Team Loves About the Company

Facilitate a team discussion regarding what employees love about the company

Team Work-Life Balance

The team determines what they can do together to create balance for everyone on the team

More Than One Solution

Identify a number of potential solutions for the same problem

Solving Problems in the Right Way

Determine what is required to ensure issues are solved in the right way at the right time

Team Integrity

Teams discuss what integrity looks like and identifies expectations for the team

Speaking Freely with Others

Share with your team how people react to you when you speak freely with others

Soliciting Ideas and Opinions

Create an agenda item to discuss how the ideas and opinions of others are being solicited and used
  • Duration 8 hr 0 mins
  • Skill level All Levels
  • Languages English
  • Accreditation PMI:7 PDU Hours
  • Tag(s) Communication Business

SGD $59.95
(Price excludes GST)
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