Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect

Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Welcome to the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) LiveLessons Course. This course is ideal for technology-focused engineers, application developers, IT administrators, or anyone wanting to obtain the Blockchain Training Alliance Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect Certifications.
In this course, we will provide an exam overview of the Blockchain Training Alliance Certification, Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA). This will include Blockchain basics such as components, terminology, and ledgers, as well as why Blockchain is revolutionizing how businesses and governments are looking at technology to create efficiencies. We will cover the top ten areas to focus on for the exam and what topics to study, as well as the exam process and what to expect before, during, and after the exam.

Course Objectives

• Examination Overview of Blockchain Training Alliance Certification, Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA)
- Learn about the basics of Blockchain e.g. components, terminology, and ledgers 
- Learn about why Blockchain is revolutionizing how businesses and governments are looking at technology to create efficiencies
- Top 10 areas to focus on for the examination
- What are the topics to study for the examination?
- How is the examination process like?
- What to expect, before, during, and after the examination?

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Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect(CBSA)

Course Trailer

1 Course and Instructor Intro

2 What is a CBSA

3 Exam Questions

4 Objectives

5 Pretest

6 Blockchain all or Nothing

Blockchain 101 - Terminology and Components

7 Blockchain Terminology

8 Blockchain Components

Objective - The difference between proof of work, proof of stake, and other proof systems and why they exist

9 Difference between Consensus and why they exist

"Objective - Why cryptocurrency is needed on certain types of blockchains"

10 Cryptocurrency Needed or not?

Objective - The difference between public, private, and permissioned blockchains

11 Difference Between public, private or permissioned

Objective – How Blocks are written to a blockchain

12 How blocks are written to blockchain

13 Demo Block Activity

Objective – Where cryptography fits into blockchain and the most commonly used systems

14 Cryptography fits into blockchain

15 Demo - LTC Wallet

Objective – Database or Blockchain

16 Database or Blockchain?

Objective – The common use cases for public blockchains

17 Commom Use Cases for public blockchains

Objective – Common use cases for private & permissioned blockchains

18 Common Use Cases for private blockchains

Objective - What is needed to launch your own blockchain

19 Launching your blockchain

Objective – Segwits and Forks

20 Segwits and Forks

Objective – When is mining needed and when it is not

21 Mining Requirements

22 Genesis Mining

Objective – Byzantine Fault Tolerance

23 Byzantine Fault Tolerance

Objective – Consensus among Blockchains

24 Consensus

Objective – Hashing

25 Hashing Overview

26 Demo - Anders Hashing Demo

Objective – Security in Blockchain and how addresses, public keys, and private keys work

27 Security in Blockchains

Objective – What is a smart contract and dApps?

28 Smart Contracts and Dapps

Objective – History of Blockchain

29 History of Blockchain

Objective – The programming languages of the most common blockchains

30 Blockchain Programming

Objective – Common testing and deployment practices for blockchains and blockchain-based apps

31 Deploy and Test Apps

32 Demo Metamask

Objective – Value Creation

33 Value Creation

Objective – Blockchain Key Components

34 Key Components

Objective – Blockchain Architecture

35 Blockchain Architecture

36 Enterprise Blockchains

Objective – Bitcoin Improvement Protocols

37 Bitcoin Improvement Protocols (BIP)

Objectives – Hyperledger

38 Hyperledger Project

39 Hyperledger Fabric

40 Demo - IBM Blockchain as a Service

Objective – Hyperledger Composer

41 Hyperledger Composer

42 Demo - Hyperledger Composer Playground

43 Hyperledger Composer Playground

Objective - Hyperledger Chaincode

44 Hyperledger Chaincode

45 Whiteboard - Hyperledger Fabric

46 Hyperledger Wiki

Objective - Ethereum

47 Ethereum Overview

48 Ethereum EVM

49 Ethereum Browsers

50 Ethereum Development

51 Demo - Etherscan

52 Demo - Ethernodes

Course Wrapup

53 Blockchain Terminology Review

54 Taking the CBSA Exam

55 Discount Code Demo

56 Blockchain Roles

57 Bonus -Corda Whiteboard

58 Bonus -Corda DemoBench

59 Bonus - Ethereum Security

60 Bonus - Ether Gas

61 Bonus - BTC Explorer

SGD $29.00
(Price excludes GST)
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